Transforming Intrapreneurship at a Global Health Agency

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and digital evolution, organizations globally are recognizing the imperative need to foster intrapreneurship to spur growth and tackle complex challenges. This case study highlights the journey of a global health agency, in partnership with Ideateplus over a three-year period. Their collaboration aimed at revolutionizing the agency’s intrapreneurship program, turning employees into proactive agents of change.

The global health sector faces unique challenges that require innovative solutions. Recognizing this, the health agency sought to empower its teams, enabling them to transition seamlessly from ideation to execution. The partnership with Ideateplus was a strategic move aimed at unlocking the latent potential within the agency, fostering a culture of innovation, and equipping its workforce with the tools to become effective intrapreneurs.

Methodology and Results

The initial challenge involved unblocking teams that were stuck in the experiment phase, struggling to transition from ideation. Ideateplus discerned that the teams were prematurely diving into solution implementation without adequate idea validation. In a strategic pivot, Ideateplus proposed reframing the problem, leading to the development of a digital solution for streamlined feedback via a smartphone-friendly platform, contrasted with the traditional form-based, email-reliant feedback systems.

This approach necessitated a deep dive into understanding the core issues faced by end-users. Ideateplus guided the teams in creating a white paper on a permissioned blockchain based on Hyperledger Fabric technology, facilitating secure patient data sharing. This involved identifying key value propositions, developing rapid prototypes, and conducting extensive user testing. The result was a transformative blockchain initiative, culminating in the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within an astonishingly short span of seven weeks.

Working with Ideateplus feels like a partnership in a true sense. Their team not only delivers results but also acts as mentors, in understanding and responding to our unique needs.

Building on this success, Ideateplus was chosen as the agency’s primary innovation partner, instituting a human-centered design strategy that emphasized skill development alongside experiment execution. The core of this strategy was the Ideateplus 4-step rapid innovation process: Demand (problem framing), Ideate (crowdsourcing solutions), Validate (conceptualizing viable ideas), and Experiment (quick product testing). This methodology was supported by various services like media production, webinars, coaching workshops, and deep dive sessions.

Over two years, this approach led to tangible results. Ideateplus collaborated with 20 teams, conducting seven agile experiments. Their coaching and training sessions reached hundreds of staff and thousands in the healthcare sector, nurturing a culture of innovation. Additionally, the creation of an asynchronous Innovation Knowledge Hub provided a collaborative platform for intrapreneurs, featuring curated content and fostering an engaging innovation process.


The partnership between the global health agency and Ideateplus marks a paradigm shift in intrapreneurship. The case study exemplifies how embedding intrapreneurship within an organization can catalyze innovation and address complex challenges effectively. The transformation achieved in the agency’s intrapreneurship program underscores the potency of intrapreneurial initiatives.

Key takeaways for organizations venturing into intrapreneurship include the emphasis on capability building, adopting a human-centered approach, embracing rapid innovation processes, and fostering an inclusive innovation ecosystem. The success stories and feedback from the health agency’s team members reinforce the value of this partnership. This case study serves as a testament to the power of intrapreneurship in driving organizational innovation and creating meaningful change. By imbibing these principles, organizations can unlock the potential of their employees, fostering a dynamic environment where innovation thrives.

We were able to develop an MVP in weeks when normally it would have taken us months.

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