The Ideateplus Metaverse

Enabling a world of innovation


Innovation through play

A novel approach by emphasizing "Innovation Through Play," leveraging the power of playful environments to unlock creative potential and drive meaningful innovation.

Cognitive Flexibility

Play inherently involves exploring different scenarios and outcomes, which enhances cognitive flexibility. This is critical for innovative thinking, as it allows individuals to view problems from multiple perspectives and devise creative solutions.

Engagement and Motivation

Playful activities are intrinsically motivating and engaging. When individuals are immersed in enjoyable and stimulating activities, their motivation to explore and experiment increases, leading to a more profound engagement with the innovation process.

Stress Reduction

Play reduces stress and creates a positive emotional state. A relaxed and positive mindset is conducive to creativity, allowing individuals to think more freely and take risks without the fear of failure.

Start playing

The most immersive experience

Available on all mobile devices

Help & FAQ.

How do I control my character

The character's movement is controlled by the game controls: use the WASD keys to move around, spacebar to Jump and hold shift to run. Hold righ-click and pan your perspective.

Move Forward 
Move Back 
Move Left 
Move Right 
Rotate Up 
Rotate Down 
Rotate Left 
Rotate Right 
None by default
Interact with objects

In this world objects have gravity and a host of properties. You can click, grab and interact with them in various ways. So don't be afraid and just click around, see what happens.

Play and Learn

Chek out the practice rooms, and make sure to continue your learning, in the dedicated lessons from our Innovation Knowledge Hub.